Arab League welcomes UN General Assembly resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza

The Arab League welcomed the United Nations General Assembly’s adoption yesterday of a resolution, calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip for humanitarian reasons and ensuring humanitarian access. The Arab League affirmed that the UN resolution reflects the true stance of the international public opinion.

Secretary-General of the Arab League Ahmed Aboul Gheit said in a post on X that the majority of 153 that supported the resolution proposed to the General Assembly for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza reflects the true stance of the official international public opinion supporting this call, not that of the Security Council.

Ahmed Aboul Gheit added that those who opposed the resolution or abstained from voting (10+23) are on the wrong side of history.
The resolution passed with a large majority of 153 in favour and 10 against, with 23 abstentions.
General Assembly resolutions are not binding but carry political weight, reflecting a global view on the situation in Gaza.

The UN Security Council had failed to pass a resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for humanitarian reasons last Friday, for the second time. The resolution had the support of 13 out of 15 members. The United States vetoed the resolution, and the United Kingdom abstained from voting.


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