How Customs Achieved N1.34trn Revenue In Q1 2024 

How Customs Achieved N1.34trn Revenue In Q1 2024 

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), has disclosed how it generated N1.34 trillion into the Federation account in the first quarter of this year (2024). 

The Service also announced the seizure of 572 goods with a Duty Paid Value (DPV) of N10.59 billion during the same period, adding that it arrested 22 suspected smugglers at the same time. 

Adewale Adeniyi, Comptroller General of Customs (CGC), made the disclosure recently in Abuja during a press briefing. 

The Customs boss said that the total revenue collected during this period which amounted to N1,347,675,608,972.75 represented a substantial increase of 122.35%, when compared to the same period last year. 

He said the month-by-month analysis further illustrated the Service’s impressive growth trajectory. 

According to him, in January 2024, the revenue collection surged by 95.60%, reaching N390,824,148,326.55 from N199,809,974,327.52 recorded in January 2023. 

“This upward trend continued in February 2024, with a staggering 138.68% growth, elevating revenue collection to N450,209,267,557.15 from N188,625,011,386.87 in February 2023. 

By March 2024, the revenue collected by NCS grew by 132.76% from N217,669,949,432.28 to N506,642,193,019.05. 

“When compared to the Federal government’s annual revenue target of N5.07 trillion for the NCS to collect in 2024, the target translates to a monthly revenue target of N423 billion. We are pleased to report an average monthly revenue growth of 6.2% over the set monthly target and a cumulative revenue collection of 18.6%, equivalent to N78,675,608,972.75 over the set quarterly target of N 1.269 trillion.” 

Speaking on anti-smuggling, the Customs boss disclosed that in the first quarter of 2024, the NCS recorded a total of 572 seizures, encompassing various items valued at N10,593,099,654.50 in Duty Paid Value (DPV). 

“Notably, January saw 111 seizures amounting to N 842,992,751.50 in DPV, while February marked the highest seizure numbers of 432, totaling N 3,704,703,350.34. Rice constituted 39% of the seizures, followed by petroleum products at 26%, with motor vehicles and textiles accounting for 9% and 6% of the seizures, respectively. During this period, the NCS detained 22 suspects, and appropriate legal measures will be taken in accordance with the Nigeria Customs Service Act 2023.” 

Speaking on trade facilitation, Adeniyi said that trade facilitation remained a central focus of the NCS operations. 

He said that despite inherent challenges, “we have diligently worked towards streamlining processes, minimising bottlenecks, and optimising efficiency across our ports to ensure seamless trade transactions.” 

He explained that in the first quarter of 2024, the NCS processed a total of 311,492 Single Goods Declarations (SGDs) for imports, reflecting the volume of import transactions handled. 

This figure, according to him, indicated a decrease compared to the total volume of 327,491 processed in 2023 and 403,233 SGDs in 2022. 

Regarding export transactions, he said that a total of 10,786 SGDs were processed in 2024, compared to 9,752 transactions in 2023, representing a 10.60% growth in export activities. 

“Notably, a significant portion of this growth occurred in January, with 4,067 transactions processed in 2024 compared to 3,352 SGDs in 2023, marking a 29.69% increase. 

“The Service is particularly interested in the growth of the non-oil export sector, aligning with the priorities of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration and the initiatives pursued by NCS in recent times.” 

The CGC averred that a myriad of deliberate factors has contributed to the successes around NCS key performance indicators. 

He acknowledged the dedication and efforts of the officers and men of NCS who have worked tirelessly and around the clock to ensure consistent and upward momentum. 

NCS officers, he said, have played a key role in driving the implementation of initiatives, as evidenced by “our performance across the three core statutory responsibilities set by the government. Among these initiatives is the introduction of the E-auction generating a total revenue of N1.6 billion in February and March. 

Furthermore, he said that stakeholders from both the private and public sectors have played an instrumental role in the NCS recorded successes, adding that their commitment and enthusiasm towards Service objectives have been commendable, especially in adhering to the terms of various Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), during bilateral engagements and larger forums like the National Trade Facilitation Committee. Additionally, he said significant commitments were documented at the last Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC’s) conference, notably enshrined in the Lagos Continental declaration, highlighting the collective effort and collaboration towards our shared goals. 

Adeniyi recalled an ugly incident that occurred in Lagos which resulted to the death of some persons, saying that, “on February 23, 2024, after carrying out the presidential directive to distribute food items to vulnerable individuals at one of our facilities in Lagos, a tragic incident occurred. A stampede ensued as some eager members of the public sought access to our premises to verify claims that the shared food items, specifically rice, had been exhausted. Regrettably, 4 individuals were fatally injured around the vicinity of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) premises. Despite immediate efforts to save their lives, including transportation to the hospital via an ambulance provided on-site, their injuries proved fatal. 

“ This incident is deeply unfortunate, and as a responsible organization, we have implemented measures to prevent such occurrences in the future and extend our support to those affected. I request that we observe a moment of silence in honour of the departed. May their souls rest in peace.” 

CG Adeniyi asserted that the briefing sought to fulfil NCS commitment under his leadership to open governance, as it served as opportunity to also make public “our achievements, challenges and strategic direction in a comprehensive manner. “The objective is to offer transparency, accountability, and insight into the operations of NCS. We recognize the importance of your role as media representatives in disseminating accurate information to the public, and we appreciate your presence here today. Without further ado, let’s begin with the Overall performance overview and key drivers of NCS performance during the first quarter (January to March) of 2024. 

“Regarding export transactions, a total of 10,786 SGDs were processed in 2024 compared to 9,752 transactions in 2023, representing a 10.60% growth in export activities. Notably, a significant portion of this growth occurred in January, with 4,067 transactions processed in 2024 compared to 3,352 SGDs in 2023, marking a 29.69% increase. The Service is particularly interested in the growth of the non-oil export sector, aligning with the priorities of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led administration and the initiatives pursued by NCS in recent times.” 

The GCG recognized the positive roles other key stakeholders played which enabled the NCS achieved so much during the period under review. 

He said: “Furthermore, stakeholders from both the private and public sectors have played an instrumental role in our recorded successes. Their commitment and enthusiasm towards our objectives have been commendable, especially in adhering to the terms of various Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) during bilateral engagements and larger forums like the National Trade Facilitation Committee. Additionally, significant commitments were documented at the last Comptroller-General of Customs (CGC’s) Conference, notably enshrined in the Lagos Continental Declaration, highlighting the collective effort and collaboration towards our shared goals.” 

“It is imperative to highlight the ongoing support of the government, particularly in approving initiatives aimed at fulfilling the mandate of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS). Among these initiatives, notable is the granting of a 90- day window to owners of uncustomed vehicles, facilitating the payment of appropriate duties on previously imported vehicles into the country. Members of the public are strongly advised to avail themselves of this opportunity to regularize their papers, as failure to do so will result in applicable penalties. 

“Additionally, the government’s decision to reopen the Northern borders with Niger Republic holds significant importance. This action is expected to boost trading activities in those areas. With potential smugglers now reconsidering the legitimacy of trading through approved routes, this decision stands as a pivotal move. 

“NCS is unequivocally committed to supporting the actualization of the 8- point agenda of the President Tinubu-led administration. This commitment is demonstrated through both direct and indirect contributions to key areas such as economic growth, improved security, upholding the rule of law, and fighting corruption. Noteworthy achievements include strengthening economic growth through optimal revenue collection to support government allocations to vital sectors, alongside the implementation of efficient trade facilitation measures. Our relentless enforcement efforts, particularly in intercepting prohibited items, are important in enhancing security. Moreover, we are steadfastly integrating technology across our operations to ensure transparency and accountability, addressing critical aspects of the 8-point agenda.” 

He explained that recently, NCS had prioritised food security in response to a presidential directive, adding that the initiative was evidenced by the distribution of food items to vulnerable members of society, commencing in Lagos, Kano and extending to other parts of the country to address urgent societal needs. We reassure the public that transparency and accountability will remain paramount under my leadership, fostering trust and confidence in the Service. 

In the course of achievement, the monumental feat, the service noted that it encountered some challenges. 

According to the CGC, during the quarter, the NCS encountered several systemic challenges that impeded “our ability to fulfil our statutory responsibilities effectively. These challenges encompassed issues related to non-compliance with regulations, infrastructure limitations, and a notable decline in cargo throughput, evidenced by a 4.89% decrease in the volume of transactions handled. Additionally, significant fluctuations in exchange rates applied in the customs clearance of consignments posed considerable difficulties. As per protocol, the exchange rate utilised by Customs in the clearance of goods via the Nigeria Integrated Customs Information System (NICIS) is based on the rate determined by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). In the last quarter, a total of 28 rates were directed by the CBN, ranging from N951.94 per USD 1 in January 2024 to a peak of N1,662.35 per USD 1 in February 2024. 

While a singular exchange rate of N951.94 per USD 1 was maintained in January, February witnessed 15 different spot rates ranging from N951.94 per USD 1 to N1,662.35 per USD 1. March saw a total of 13 different spot rates applied, ranging from N1,303.84 to N1,630.16. These fluctuations resulted in an average applied exchange rate of N1,314.03 per USD 1 in the clearance of Customs goods during the quarter.” 

He said the repercussions of these fluctuating rates have sent concerning signals to stakeholders, affecting and disrupting activities. “Beyond the speculation regarding potential gains it may have on NCS revenue, the implications on transaction volumes are significant and outweigh any possible benefits. These concerns are already manifesting in current activities, with the potential for lagged effects in the coming months. Mindful of these implications on the trading public and the overall economy, the NCS, with the support of the Minister of Finance, has initiated periodic consultations with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to mitigate the potential impact of exchange rate fluctuations on import activities. 


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